ART or Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a term that is used to describe various treatments that are performed to have a successful pregnancy. The technology does not have a specific single definition. ART is a term used in contrast to the sexual ways of reproduction. This gives it a varied range of treatments under the term.
ART is providing help for couples who want to start a family. ART was first carried out by John Hunter back in 1770. Since the first documented surgery, there have been various changes and new advances in the technology which have brought up increasing chances of having a successful pregnancy.
Here are a few treatments that come under the umbrella of ART.
IUI – Intra-Uterine Insemination
This is one of the elementary forms of Assisted Reproductive Technology. IUI includes the collection of sperm, production of sperm in the lab and also the insertion of the sperm in the womb of a woman during the ovulation. Before this, there is a test that includes the tubal patency.
Depending on the recommendations of the medical experts, IUI is undertaken with or without the use of fertility drugs for the woman. In comparison with other forms of ART, the success rate is lower for IUI. Hence, the IUI process is not recommended for some couples and also those who do not have infertility problems, that include single women and same-sex couples.
IVF – In Vitro Fertilisation
The best-known form of ART is IVF. In a real sense, IVF is the process which includes collecting sperms and eggs from males and females respectively. They are then placed together in a laboratory. It is kept under observation to check if fertilization takes place. In the case of the formation of a good quality embryo, they are then inserted into the uterus of the woman. This is done from any time during day 2 to 5.
There are various ways of performing IVF. This depends upon the amount of stimulation which is done during the IVF cycle. It includes the Natural Cycle IVF, Conventional IVF, and Mild IVF, which is the latest stage in the improvement of IVF.
IVM – In Vitro Maturation
This is considered to be the most exciting form of ART. IVM includes collecting the immature eggs from the ovaries of a woman. This is done during the natural cycle. The eggs are then matured in the laboratory. After reaching the specified maturity, ICSI is carried out on the eggs to have successful fertilization.
This process is also known as the fast freezing method. In this process, the eggs along with the sperm and the embryos. Earlier this process was risky as it had an uncertain rate of success. This ART method is developed now to freeze the cells in a shorter span of time and thus avoids the formation of ice crystals that can damage the cells.
ICSI – Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
ICSI is used to achieve regular fertilization and involves the selection of a single sperm by removing its tail. The sperm is then injected into the egg. IVF involves the selection of the best sperm to fertilize the egg. In ICSI it is depending on human choice.