What is a Test Tube baby - All you need to know

What is a Test Tube baby – All you need to know

There are many couples out there who find it difficult to conceive a baby. In a normal pregnancy, a male sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell from a woman. After fertilization, the fertilized egg gets attached to the wall of the uterus and starts to develop into a baby. But in some cases sperm cells? fail to fertilize the egg and the embryo will not be formed and pregnancy will not be happening. Well, there are many reasons behind this problem.
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Assisted Reproductive Technology in Pune

Treatments Related to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

ART or Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a term that is used to describe various treatments that are performed to have a successful pregnancy. The technology does not have a specific single definition. ART is a term used in contrast to the sexual ways of reproduction. This gives it a varied range of treatments under the term.
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Chances of IVF Success

Chances of success with IVF

Today many techniques are available which detects your chances of getting pregnant with IVF or Vitro Fertilization. These techniques can help you decide whether to start your family via IVF treatment. Many people think that the rate if IVF below 50% is poor and above 80% is excellent. But it’s a fact that even a young and fertile couple has just 15-20% chance of starting a family naturally that too in any one month.
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