Infertility Causes in Females

Symptoms Causes and Prevention of Infertility in Females


Across the globe, around 18% of couples struggle from problems of infertility. Out of all these cases, one-third are due to infertility in females and one-third due to infertility in males. The remaining cases are either due to a combination of issues in both males and females or else due to unknown causes. Here, we take a closer look at the causes and symptoms of infertility in females along with the most effective methods of prevention.


Symptoms of Infertility in Females

The most common symptom of infertility in females is their inability to getting pregnant. This can also be coupled with signs such as irregularly long or short menstrual cycles, which can indicate that the woman is not ovulating. Depending on the age of the woman (especially over the age of 35), a visit to the doctor may become necessary.


Apart from these signs, the occurrence of painful periods, inflammatory diseases in the pelvic area, endometriosis, miscarriage, and a prior treatment of cancer might warrant a visit to the doctor.



Infertility Causes

  1. Ovulation Disorders: One-fourth of all infertile couples have this issue. Here, the woman either ovulates at irregular periods or not at all. This situation can occur due to many reasons such as hormonal imbalances, dysfunction in the hypothalamus, excess in the secretion of prolactin, or as a reaction to treatments such as chemotherapy.
  2. Damaged Fallopian Tubes: If the tubes are damaged, blockages may prevent the egg from reaching the uterus, leading to the lack of fertilization. This condition may even result due to previous surgeries in the pelvic region, or inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Endometriosis: In this condition, the tissue that is usually lining the uterus, shows excessive growth in areas other than average. This can cause the blockages to the fallopian tubes, keeping the sperm and eggs from coming together, ultimately leading to damage and infertility.
  4. Unexplained Causes: Sometimes it is not possible to find the cause of infertility and a combination of problems may be contributing to the condition. Uterine or cervical abnormalities might also be involved. Age, weight, and lifestyle habits like smoking, sexual preferences, alcohol, etc, can be contributing factors.


Effective Prevention Methods:

Prevention is always better than a cure, and some of the most recommended lifestyle habits to keep your reproductive health in the best state are:

  • Completely avoid smoking and alcohol: smoking and excessive drinking can result in damage to the fallopian tubes and the cervix region, which can result in conditions such as ectopic pregnancy(the fertilized egg attaches to a place other than the uterus), and consequently miscarriages.
  • Maintain body weight at a healthy level: Being overweight or underweight can significantly decrease the rate of ovulation which makes conceiving very difficult. Maintaining your weight at a healthy level can improve the chances of fertility.
  • Work on methods to reduce stress in daily life: Stress can hamper fertility even in cases where treatments for infertility were taken. So, when you are trying to become pregnant, it is essential to find effective ways to eliminate stress from your life as far as possible.
  • Reduce consumption of caffeine: Limit your coffee consumption to two small cups a day, if you are intending to get pregnant, as any more might have an adverse impact on your fertility.

All of these methods give you a much better chance of keeping your fertility at a healthy state. At Nirmiti Clinic our dedicated team of highly experienced fertility experts can help you to complete the family of your dreams, with the latest in technologies that are customized just for you. Visit today!

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