Surrogacy is a way one woman wants to give one of the most incredible gifts to another family. Each surrogacy is a different experience altogether. However, every surrogacy is something one wants to make the most of the experience. As said earlier, surrogacy is something different in every case, there are many ways in which one can be a good surrogate.

Here are a few tips which can help in becoming a suitable surrogate mother.


Take care of yourself

This is the primary step when it comes to becoming a surrogate mother. Your health is the most essential point in being a mother. You have to be cautious about your health and food. In addition to this, a regular exercise and sufficient rest is necessary. A number of resources a dedicated to provide a healthy well life during pregnancy which can be detailed by the doctors and surrogacy experts.

It is advised that as a surrogate mother, it is essential to always be in touch with the surrogacy professional. An open communication is the key when it comes to surrogacy. The surrogacy professional is the resource of information and support. Hence it is wise to keep the professionals informed throughout the pregnancy. In case of any doubt, one should not hesitate to raise any concerns if any. Remember that emotional well being is also required along with physical health.

Keep a record

Documenting your journey is benefitial. Remember that along with the baby, the one who volunteers is also an important part of the story. Keep a journal, take a note or do something creative tha will akso helo as being a record.

Keep the intended parents involved

Intended parents are generally eager and excited to know how you are feeling and receive any and all updates you can provide on the pregnancy. Based on the amount of contact you agreed to share with the intended parents, do your best to keep them informed and provide frequent updates. Involve them in the pregnancy as much as you are comfortable with — invite them to key doctor’s appointments, for example. The more open communication you can share throughout the surrogacy process, the stronger your relationship will be.

Prepare the baby for the emotional transfer. During pregnancy, you will become more than just a vessel for the baby you are carrying. He or she will come to recognize your voice, scent, and touch, and will begin to bond with you even before birth. At birth, the baby will need to begin bonding with his or her intended parents, which means an emotional transfer must take place at the hospital when the baby is born. As a surrogate, you can help prepare the baby to go home with his or her parents and facilitate this emotional transition. Here are some tips to help prepare the baby for the emotional transfer during pregnancy:

Introduce the baby to the intended parents’ voices. Babies’ sense of hearing plays a large role in prenatal bonding. You can help prepare the baby to bond with his or her intended parents by allowing the intended parents to talk to the baby during your pregnancy. Play recordings of the intended parents talking or reading books to the baby so he or she can get used to their voices.

Play the intended parents’ favorite music. Familiarize the baby with the sounds of home, even before he or she is born. Play songs, artists and genres that the intended parents enjoy so your baby will recognize and be comforted by the music after birth.

Provide a transitional item. The baby will also begin to recognize your scent before birth. You can sleep with a blanket or stuffed animal and send it home with the baby, so they can keep the familiar smells of your home and family with them as they transition to life in their new home.

Allow the baby to confirm his or her senses at birth. When the baby is born, he or she will need to confirm the sounds and smells that he or she grew accustomed to during your pregnancy. If you can, hold the baby on your chest before handing him or her to the intended parents.

As a surrogate, your ultimate goal is to give the baby you carry the best possible start in life. It is a big task, but these simple acts can make all the difference and help ensure that the surrogacy is a success for everyone involved.

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